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We have some exciting news! As you may know, the Accessibility Resource Center has been moving toward using a secure online portal to manage accommodations. Students have been successfully requesting their Accommodation Letters via this portal since Fall 2021! Now Faculty will utilize the Portal to manage Alternative Testing by including testing dates and instructions at the beginning of the semester and uploading exams to our secure portal rather than getting numerous emails prior to each test or quiz. In addition, faculty members will be able to see which students in their courses have requested accommodations and which accommodations have been requested for their courses.
You can complete it for any current course by logging into the ARC Faculty Portal.The Alternative Testing Agreement is a form that outlines the proctoring instructions and guidelines the faculty member has set for students taking exams/quizzes in their course. This information is needed in order to proctor the exams for ARC students. Faculty members will only need to complete one testing agreement per course section. If changes need to be made, faculty members can log in at any time to adjust the testing parameters. Additionally, if there are multiple students in the same course and section, the Faculty Testing Agreement will automatically be confirmed.To complete an Alternative Testing Agreement:
If all exams are online and DO NOT require a proctor, or if the course does not have any exams, please specify that on the Faculty Testing Agreement in the section "Proctoring Your Own Exam" and click confirm. Faculty members do not have to complete the rest of the Faculty Agreement.Faculty members can view our two new videos on how this process works here:How to Fill out the Faculty Alternative Testing Agreement in the ARC PortalHow to Upload a Test/Quiz/Exam in the ARC PortalPlease use this link: ARC Faculty Portal to access the Faculty Portal. Please use your WPUNJ user name and password. Click on Faculty Portal and log in!
For any testing-related questions or if Faculty members would like to walk through the Alternative Testing Agreement process with a staff member from ARC, please contact the Accessibility Resource Center, 973-720-2853, or