The Psychology Club is a student organization that is open to all psychology undergraduates. The club plays an important role in providing members with the skills and resources to excel in their careers and better serve their community. Club members acquire the values of responsible teamwork and socialization, and learn the importance of career planning and friendship. The club also provides a great opportunity for the development of leadership skills. Each member's ideas, suggestions, and hard work play a vital role in the organization. Each year the club organizes free Graduate School, Psychology Careers, and Internship workshops, among other activities, for the benefit of psychology undergraduates. Participation in the Psychology Club is the best way to meet fellow students with similar interests and goals. Some of these fellow students become lifelong friends. The overall guidance for the Psychology Club comes from the club advisor, who works with the students in the planning, development, and implementation of its activities and events. Together, the advisor, club leaders, and members make students' academic experience clearer and more focused. Please contact us to become involved: Psychology Club Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ekeocha: President: Victoria Zanca: Vice President: Victoria Echevarria: Secretary: Grace Martino: Public Relations Officer: Sean Liles: Treasurer: Alamako Kaba: