Department of Kinesiology

Jumpstart your career in kinesiology

In the Department of Kinesiology, students are prepared for a variety of careers in exercise science, physical education, sport management, sports medicine, as well as exercise physiology and athletic training. Here are some key national statistics for kinesiology careers from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) and PayScale.

Starting Salary

Average Starting Salaries in Kinesiology (NACE)

Noteworthy Kinesiology Jobs and Mid-Career Salaries (PayScale)

Physical Therapist $90,400 Occupational Therapist $85,600 Health Coach $51,400 Personal Trainer $51,000 Athletic Trainer $48,500Phys. Ed. Teacher $49,200
Six months out of graduation

Alumni in science and health employed or in graduate school within 6 months after graduation

Get Prepared to Succeed

In the Department of Kinesiology, students benefit from small classes, opportunities to conduct research with our outstanding faculty, and internship opportunities in both local and out-of-state locations. Students also have access to state-of-the-art resources, including a new human performance lab, biomechanics lab, motor behavior lab, exercise room, and phlebotomy lab, as well as two athletic training rooms and an athletic training classroom utilized for the athletic training program.

What You'll Learn

In our kinesiology programs, students learn in-demand skills that employers have identified as critical for job candidates. They are also prepared for professional certifications that are required for many careers, including the Board of Certification (BOC) to become a certified athletic trainer (ATC), the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), National Strength and Conditioning (NSCA), National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), American Council on Exercise (ACE), and the Athletics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA).

Key Skills for
Careers in

as indicated by Employers
and Alumni on LinkedIn

Clinical Experience


Complex Problem Solving

Critical Thinking

Injury Prevention

Patient Care

Sales/Customer Service

*LinkedIn Workplace
Learning Report 2021