Honors Courses

Honors Cluster Trip 2014

Honors Sections of University Core Curriculum Courses

Each semester, the Honors College offers Honors sections of several University Core Curriculum (UCC) courses. Honors sections are more intense than traditional sections, they rely more upon discussion, and they are capped at 20 students. Before priority registration begins in the fall and spring semester, the Honors College Office produces a list of all Honors sections of UCC courses and shares it with students via e-mail. 

Registration Process:  All incoming first year students (current high school seniors) are registered by the registrar. Current students: See your advisor as soon as possible (before October 16th) to discuss your Spring 2025 courses and obtain your alternate pin. For a course registration video, please click on the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzBYVn7qpuU&t=7s

Click here for a helpful schedule planner.

Click here for a blank 8-semester planning sheet. 

Courses are available only by permit. To obtain a permit, please email honors@wpunj.edu with your name, 855 number and the course information. 

Spring 2025 Honors Courses


UCC Area 2C- Expression Literature

Experiences in Literature- Honors

ENG 1500-004                 CRN: 11578                      Brian O’Broin                    TR 11:00am-12:15pm

ENG 1500-005                 CRN: 11602                      Barbara Suess                 MW 11:00am-12:15pm

ENG 1500-006                 CRN: 11580                      Judith Broome                 MW 3:30pm-4:45pm

A writing-intensive course in which students examine how literary texts affect readers and in which students develop and sharpen this understanding though drafting, discussing, and revising written responses to these texts. Literary texts may include different genres: (short fiction, poetry, film, drama, etc.).


UCC Area 3C- Ways of Knowledge: Social and Behavioral Sciences

General Psychology- Honors

PSY 1100-002                   CRN: 11806                      Chris Holle                        TR 3:30pm-4:45pm

This course surveys the chief theories, principles, and methodologies of psychology with special emphasis on their relations to human behavior. The biological foundations of behavior, sensory processes, learning, perception, memory, emotion, motivation, personality, and the social bases of behavior and behavior pathology are examined to establish the foundations for advanced study in psychology.               


UCC Area 4- Diversity and Justice     

Latino/a Literature in the USA

ENG 2280-060                 CRN:13262                       Rosa Soto                          W 5:00pm-7:40pm

HUMH 3000-060             CRN: 13226                      Rosa Soto                          W 5:00pm-7:40pm

This course examines the complexity and creativity of Latinx literature (Chicanx) across a number of genres, time periods and geographical locations. The goal of the course is to discuss and to reflect on the Latinx (Chicanx) experience through an analysis of literature that has emerged from Mexicans, Cubans, Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, dual identity American/Latinx and recent Latin American/South American immigrants. Literary works will be discussed in the context of assimilation, authenticity, hybridity, gender, class, sexualities, displacement, language, justice and inequalities, the American Dream and more. Authors may include Junot Diaz, Cristina Garcia, Ana Castillo, Esmeralda Santiago, John Rechy, Rudolfo Anaya, Pedro Pietri, Rudolfo “Corky” Gonzalez, Piri Thomas, Judith Ortiz Cofer, Hector Tobar, Cherrie Moraga, Gloria Anzaldua, Julia Alvarez, Oscar Hijuelos, and Ernesto Quinonez. Authors represent a variety of diverse geographical, cultural and linguistic voices.


Social Cultural & Behavioral Determinants- Honors

PBHL 3800-080                    CRN: 12275                       Jocelyn Apicello              Asynchronous

This honors Area 4 course covers the many ways in which the social and cultural environment and human behavior influence population health and interact to produce health status disparities. The course will consider key social factors such as race, class, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, income, education, disability, and immigration status, as well as cultural norms and beliefs, and behaviors as important determinants of human health. The ways in which public health intervenes to address social, cultural and behavioral factors in order to improve the health of groups will also be considered.


UCC Area 5- Community and Civic Engagement

Liberal Studies and Communication Engagement-Honors

LBST 2500-070                                 CRN:12535                        Molly O’Donnell              M 5:00pm-6:15pm

In every society, individuals must struggle with balancing their own rights and freedoms with their responsibilities towards others. Liberal Studies and Community Engagement explores the ethical reasoning needed to bring individuals together into a community that allows connection and reciprocity while respecting individuals' autonomy. This course covers topics in social justice and applied ethics such as: responsible citizenship in local, national, and global societies, economic inequality, corporate responsibility, environmental justice, animal rights, reproductive rights, euthanasia, the death penalty, and diversity and equality. The course also discusses strategies for engaging with ethical issues in the community and requires civic engagement projects in which ethical theory is applied.

LBST 2500-070 will be counted as HUMH 2010 for Honors students in the Humanities Track. 


UCC Area 6- Global Awareness

Environmental Determinants of Health in Global Contexts- Honors

PBHL 3840-001                    CRN: 11638                       Marianne Sullivan                          T 2:00pm-4:40pm

This honors UCC Area 6 course looks globally at the interdependence of humans on natural systems, how human societies shape and alter natural systems, and how this in turn shapes and determines the health of human populations. The course will consider the role of the environment in human health problems across the life course including infectious and chronic diseases, reproductive problems and developmental disorders. Key issues which will be considered in a global context include human health effects of climate change, children’s environmental health, air and water pollution, sanitation and waste, and toxics, among others. The course will explore inequities between, among and within countries in environmental health and how addressing such inequities can improve health outcomes.


Global Transformations and Humans -Honors

ANTH 3100-002              CRN: 11296                   Vidya Kalaramadam                     TR 2:00pm-3:15pm

This course develops an understanding of the experiences of “globalization” as a historical phase of capitalism, and “development” as a post-World War II set of practices. It will analyze specific “global” problems as manifested in the lives of large sections of the world’s poor and marginalized populations across multiple societies. These problems include: poverty and inequality; livelihoods and food security; endemic hunger, malnutrition and healthcare systems; overconsumption, population and environmental degradation; international debt; displacement and migration; intellectual property rights and indigenous knowledge; wars and cultural conflicts. Emphasis will be on contradictory impacts on people and societal prospects in Asia, Africa and Latin America, and on marginalized populations in advanced capitalist countries. Methods to facilitate a just and sustainable future for humanity will also be explored.

Introduction to Latin American Studies

LAS 2010-001                  CRN: 13248                   Franklin Rodriguez                   W 11:00am-1:40pm

This course introduces students to the literature, geography, history, culture, society, economics, and political systems of Latin America. It focuses not only on Latin America as a whole, but also on the relationships between the various geographical regions--Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, and South America--that constitute it. This is the foundation course for the Latin American Studies major and minor. Students are advised to take this course, which is offered every semester, at the beginning of the major or minor. Course is UCC - Area 6 Global Awareness.

Course open to all Honors students with spring break trip (NOT a UCC Course)

Selected Topic: People, Culture, and Community of San Juan, Puerto Rico

HON 3990-880                        CRN: 13227                   Michael Gordon                        F 3:00pm-3:50pm

Course requires additional student fee and the purchase of an airplane ticket to San Juan, Puerto Rico. For this intensive, experiential course, students will attend a weekly course in early spring and then travel to the island of Puerto Rico to live and study in its capital city of San Juan during Spring Break 2025. Students will have an immersive experience into the daily life on the island, and learn about its history, economics and culture. The course will involve engaging with the San Juan community through service, exploring significant sites and museums, sampling local cuisine, and participating in the vibrant artistic and cultural life of Old San Juan (historic district). These experiences will be evaluated through written reflections, collaborative projects, and brief assessments. The course is open to all students and requires advance registration by [Jan. 20, 2025] with attendance at the meetings leading up to the travel to facilitate appropriate flight and accommodation arrangements. As Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory, travel only necessitates U.S. identity documentation (e.g., driver’s license) and does not require a passport.

Course open to all Honors students with short term study abroad (NOT a UCC Course)

Writing Brazil: A Creative Nonfiction Journey

HON 3990-070                        CRN: 13441                         Dr. Martha Witt                       W 12:30 pm-1:45 pm

Students enrolled in this Spring 2025 3-credit Honors Creative Nonfiction course will supplement their studies with a three-week trip to Ilhéus, in northeastern Brazil. Alongside their English-speaking Brazilian counterparts, they will participate in writing workshops at the Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC), one of the country’s premier public universities. While exploring their own experiences, cultures, and backgrounds through reading and writing personal essays and memoirs, students from both countries will share their stories, fostering an understanding that goes beyond cultural clichés and stereotypes.    Course is now waitlist only.

Short Term Study Abroad in Brazil: May 17-June 8

Course open to all Honors students (NOT a UCC but required for several majors)

Lifespan Development-Honors

PSY: 2110-002                  CRN: 11467                      Cynthia Elkins                  MW 8:00am-9:15am                   

This course provides a foundation for understanding human development from conception through late adulthood and death. It reviews the theories and research on the biological, cognitive, emotional, and social aspects of human development. The biological & socio-cultural interactions with human development (e.g. race, class, gender & culture) are examined as well. Prerequisites: PSY 1100                            

Honors will not be issuing permits for this course as it is reserved for first year nursing students. Second year nursing students may register for an Honors section of NUR 3500.                                 

Track Courses

Business Track

Business Case Writing             

FIN 4860-001                   CRN: 12368                      Staff A                                  R 2:00pm-4:40pm

MGT 4860-001                 CRN: 12388                      Ashley Lee                         R 2:00pm-4:40pm

MKT 4860-001                  CRN: 12389                      John Malindretos            R 2:00pm-4:40pm

This is a cross-disciplinary course that represents the second part of the 6-credit practicum Honors option, which must be conducted over two semesters and undertaken in the junior or senior year. It will be a core component of the Practicum Honors option.  The course involves writing an effective business case based on the consulting report or business plan completed in the practicum course.  Prerequisite: FIN, MGT or MKT 4850


Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology Track:


CLSI 4701-080                 CRN: 11385                      Robin Nemeroff                              Asynchronous 

The central goal of this course is to provide feedback, guidance and oversight during the final stages of the honors research experience and the process of writing a thesis. The course will monitor progress and help the student solve conceptual, methodological or logistical issues and to do so in constructive and supportive environment. Integral to this course is building on the Thesis I course and providing oversight of thesis writing with particular emphasis on the results and discussion stages. As such, the writing component represents the culmination of the research process and continues to serve in the role of facilitating learning, critical thinking and collaborative discussion as well as provide an evaluation tool. Prerequisite: CLSI 4700


Honors Neuropsychology & Cognitive Neuro                             

CLSI 4950-001                 CRN: 11805                      Bruce Diamond                               T 2:00pm-4:40pm         

The purpose of this course is to develop a thorough understanding of the relationship between brain and behavior in healthy and clinical populations with the goal of integrating theory and applied clinical work. The course provides a solid foundation in neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience and the tools, techniques and methodologies used in these contemporary fields of work. Throughout the course, contemporary and seminal research will be discussed with opportunities for lab-based demonstrations of physiological recording techniques and neuropsychological testing instruments. Finally, the course will also address the many challenges faced by people with disabilities, available state -of-the-art interventions, and corresponding ethical issues. Prerequisite: BIO 1140 OR BIO 1200 OR PSY 3530                                                        



PSY 3100-080                   CRN: 11722             Leah Watson/ Mondragon, Ashley                   Asynchronous

This course examines the nature and functions of psychological testing, the interpretation of test scores, and related clinical and research issues. Intelligence, aptitude, and personality tests are covered with particular emphasis on interpretation. Theoretical and empirical aspects of test development are also emphasized. Students will learn how to build batteries of tests for use in various settings and with different populations, and the complexities of integrating test data with other forms of data (e.g., brain scans). Prerequisite: PSY 1100                 


Cognitive Science Track

Select Topics in Cognitive Science-Honors

CGSI: 3000-001                   CRN: 11333                      Peter Mandik                    F 11:00am-1:40pm

Examines basic concepts and problems found in several of the disciplines that make up cognitive science. Begin with an historical overview and a review of brain anatomy and physiology, and explore the impact of the computer metaphor in cognitive. Explore some of the issues within cognitive science in depth. Topics range from theories on how we construct our visual world to the representation of the self. Prerequisite: CGSI 2000


Cognitive Science Honors Thesis II

CGSI: 4020-060                   CRN: 11138                      Michael Gordon              F 5:00pm-7:40pm

This is the second component to the Cognitive Science Honors Thesis. Students will have already selected a research topic for their thesis, and the literature review will have been completed. The focus of this component of the thesis will be on data collection, analysis and interpretation of their work. Students will present their research in both oral and written forms. At the end of this course students will have completed a final draft of a thesis (approximately 50 pages) for submission to the honors college. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisite: CGSI 4010            


Global Public Health Track

Social Cultural & Behavioral Determinants- Honors

PBHL 3800-080                               CRN: 12275                       Jocelyn Apicello              Asynchronous

See course description above in UCC 4.


Environmental Determinants of Health in Global Contexts- Honors

PBHL 3840-001                               CRN:11638                       Marianne Sullivan          T 2:00pm-4:40pm


Public Health Honors Thesis II

PBHL 4850-001                               CRN: 12006                      Marianne Sullivan        Meeting time TBA

In this course students conduct research for and write their senior honors thesis in public health. A written thesis and public presentation of results is required. Students will use computer software to analyze the data on which their thesis is based. Computer software will also be used to develop tables, charts and graphs appropriate for graphically displaying the concepts and data in their thesis. Prerequisites: PBHL 4800 Honors Capstone I                                                                           

Humanities Track        

Liberal Studies and Communication Engagement-Honors

LBST 2500-070 will count as a 2000-level course for Honors students in the Humanities Track.           

Humanities Honors Colloquium: 20th Century and its Discontents

HUMH 3000-060                            CRN: 13226                      Rosa Soto                          W 5:00pm-7:40pm

ENG 2280-060                                 CRN:  13262                     Rosa Soto                          W 5:00pm-7:40 pm

See course description above under UCC 4


Humanities Honors Thesis Seminar I              

HUMH 4010-001                            CRN: 13223                      Molly O’Donnell              TR 8:00am-9:15am

The first of two capstone courses in the Humanities honors track, designed to engage students in identifying, researching, and organizing an appropriate topic for their honor’s thesis. The course will include extensive individual work with a thesis supervisor. Course culminates in the completion and submission of a research proposal to the University Honors College. Designated as UCC-Writing Intensive. Fulfills Humanities Honors Track thesis seminar requirement.

Humanities Honors Thesis Seminar II             

HUMH 4020-001                            CRN: 13225                      Molly O’Donnell              TR 8:00am-9:15am

The second, culminating capstone course in the Humanities honors track, in which students produce and present their individual senior research publicly in fulfilment of the thesis requirements for an honors degree from the University Honors College. Designated as UCC-Writing Intensive. Fulfills Humanities Honors track thesis seminar requirement.

PRE-REQUISITE: By permission of the instructor, track director, or Honors College.                                               


Music Track

Music Honors Research Methods

MUSI 4960-060                            CRN: 13446                       Carole Frierson-Campbell              W 5:00pm-6:40pm

This two-credit course will instruct students in the nature, purposes, and types of entry-level research for music; the basics of music bibliography and webliography; and academic writing about music-related topics. 

Prerequisites: Acceptance into Music Honors Track by Application and Interview


Music Honors Seminar

MUSI 4970-060                     CRN: 11212                      Christopher Herbert                    W 4:00pm-4:50pm

This four-semester sequence, one-credit course is the forum for basic orientation, communication, group collaboration, analysis, assessment, and mentoring for students in the Music Honors track of the University Honors Program. Students plan their course of study in honors, including choices of courses in and out of the Music Department, and begin to formulate and pursue the various honors project options working in consultation with the Honors Track Director and other Music Honors Students throughout their seminar experiences.

Prerequisites: Acceptance into Music Honors Track by Application and Interview          

Nursing Track

Research Proposal Development- Honors

NUR 3330-001                                 CRN: 11874                      Staff A                                  F 8:00am-10:40am

NUR 3330-002                                 CRN: 11875                      Staff A                                  F 11:00am-1:40pm

The processes of identifying and conceptualizing a current nursing research problem and formulating testable hypotheses are addressed. Emphasis is placed on gathering and exploring the existing literature in order to develop a synthesis of the literature. Students explore theories relevant to nursing clinical practice and select an appropriate conceptual or theoretical framework to guide their research study. Exploration of a research design, development of data collection methods, sampling, and plan for data analysis are emphasized. The role of nurse as a researcher will be developed through formulation of a written and oral research proposal that will provide the foundation for subsequent semesters’ focus on implementation, analysis, and evaluation of outcomes. Prerequisite NUR 3500 and NUR 3260



Nursing Research-Honors

NUR 3500-002                                 CRN: 11485                       Staff A                  R 2:00pm-4:40pm

The concepts and processes related to critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and clinical judgement provide the framework for this course. Knowledge and skills required for critical analysis relevant to professional nursing practice are developed. The impact of information systems on quality, safety, ethics, and evidence-based practice is examined through the introduction of nursing informatics. Prerequisite: NUR 3500

Honors Research Seminar

NUR 4530-001                                 CRN:11873                       Staff A                  M 8:00am-10:40am

This course provides the opportunity to finalize the research proposal that was written in NUR3330H and implemented in NUR4526H. Nursing honors students will write the final chapters of the research report. Results will also be presented in class and at the Honors Research Day on campus. Students will be provided with opportunities to complete peer reviews on oral and written work and develop a draft manuscript for journal submission. The role of the nurse as novice researcher will be reinforced through dissemination of findings and consideration of presentation at local, regional, and national conferences. Prerequisites: NUR 3500H, NUR 3260H, NUR 3330H, NUR 4526H


Performing & Literary Arts

Performing & Literary Arts Thesis II Honors

PLA 4020-001                                  CRN:12031                       Martha Witt                       Meetings TBA                   

The primary goal of this course is to enable students to complete and successfully present a significant creative honors project (begun in PLA 4010). Students are required to produce chapters or thesis segments on schedule (typically once or twice a week), and to submit a final honors project that should be suitable for publication or other public performance or display. Weekly or twice-weekly one-on-one discussions with the track director will provide an opportunity for surmounting problems and other obstacles that might stand in the way of successful completion of the project. Prerequisite: PLA 4010 or permission of the director.                                                        



Social Sciences Track           


Introduction to Latin American Studies

LAS 2010-001 will be counted for Honors students in the Social Sciences Track.              

Social Sciences Honors Seminar I

SSH 2010-001                                  CRN: 12814                      Staff A                  W 2:00pm-4:40pm

As social scientists attempt to decipher human social behavior, they make various moral, theoretical, political, and methodological choices. This seminar, recommended as the first in the honors sequence, makes a special effort to identify where the various social science disciplines differ and where possibilities exist for interdisciplinary cooperation. The course also offers a historical perspective on the development of the social sciencesCourse cancelled. Please substitute LAS 2010 for this course.


Social Sciences Seminar III

SSH 3010-001                       CRN: 13224                      Lilian Luisa Milanes                     M 11:00am-1:40pm 

Each semester, this seminar will examine a selected topic from a variety of social science perspectives. An effort will be made to show how psychologists, sociologists, political scientists, and anthropologists approach the topic. Our plan is to cover different themes on a rotating basis. Seminars will likely focus on: (1) Law and Justice, (2) International Conflict, (3) Family Matters, and (4) Race, Class, and Religion.


Honors Thesis I

SSH 4010-001                     CRN: 11605                         Danielle Wallace                          T 2:00pm-4:40pm

The primary goal of this course is to enable students to launch a significant honors research project that they will complete in SSH 4020. Prior to enrolling in the course, all students will have completed SSH 2020 - the honors methodology seminar - as well as relevant methodology courses in a particular discipline. In this small group course, students initiate their honors theses by conducting extensive reviews of the applicable social scientific literature. The ultimate goal for the semester is to develop realistic research proposals and, when possible, to begin implementing these proposals. As a group, the class explores various research strategies and, in particular, focuses on overcoming the roadblocks that frequently emerge during the course of any serious research project. Students are required to produce frequent written progress reports and a formal research proposal that should, in most cases, become (with adaptation) a portion of their thesis write-up. Students are encouraged to assist each other when possible and to offer constructive feedback on each other's proposals.

Prerequisite: SSH 2010, SSH 2020, SSH 3010 


Social Sciences Seminar II

SSH 4020-001                  CRN: 11606                      Danielle Wallace                            T 2:00pm-4:40pm

The primary goal of this course is to enable students to complete and successfully defend a significant honors research project (started in SSH 4010). Students are required to produce chapters or thesis segments on schedule and to submit a final honors thesis that should (in most cases) be suitable for publication or presentation at a social scientific conference. Class meetings involve group discussions of the research process and collective efforts to solve problems and facilitate successful completion of the projects.

Prerequisite: SSH 4010