Extended Reality

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Extended Reality

Extended Reality (XR) is an umbrella term that includes virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR). XR technology aims to combine the physical world with a digital twin world that users can interact with, creating an immersive experience. Extended reality integrates real and virtual environments, creating immersive digital experiences. In retail, XR allows customers to try on clothes, view 3D product models, and explore interactive in-store displays virtually. These technologies are transforming traditional brick-and-mortar and e-commerce models.

  • Extended Reality Basics

    Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technologies have great potential to enhance teaching, learning, and research experiences in Higher Education. Recent studies show that the integration of these technologies in education can help to increase student engagement, facilitate deeper and conceptual understanding, offer opportunities for experiential learning, and bridge the gap between students and learning resources. Mixed reality is a blend of physical and digital worlds, unlocking natural and intuitive 3D human, computer, and environmental interactions. In MR experiences the user can interact with both digital and physical elements. MR differs from AR—where digital and physical elements don't interact— and VR—where the physical or real world is completely blocked out.

    VR vs. AR vs. MR

    Feature/AspectAugmented Reality (AR)Virtual Reality (VR)Mixed Reality (MR)
    DefinitionSuperimposes digital content onto the real worldCreates a completely immersive digital environmentCombines elements of both AR and VR, interacting in real time
    User ExperienceEnhances the real world with digital overlaysReplaces the real world with a simulated oneIntegrates real and virtual environments for interactive experiences
    Equipment NeededSmartphone, tablet, AR glassesVR headset, controllersAdvanced headsets (e.g., Microsoft HoloLens), sensors, controllers
    Interaction LevelLimited to viewing and basic interaction with overlaysFull interaction within the virtual environmentDynamic interaction with both real and virtual elements
    ExamplesPokémon GO, IKEA PlaceOculus Rift, HTC Vive, PlayStation VRMicrosoft HoloLens, Magic Leap
    Application in EducationInteractive textbooks, museum tours, enhanced lecturesVirtual field trips, lab simulations, immersive storytellingMixed reality labs, collaborative projects, interactive simulations
    AdvantagesEasy integration, cost-effective, enhances real-world contextImmersive experiences, controlled environmentsRich interactive experiences, combines best of AR and VR
    DisadvantagesLimited immersion, potential for distractionExpensive, requires dedicated spaceHigh cost, complex setup, requires advanced technology
  • Extended Reality in Teaching

    Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technologies have great potential to enhance teaching, learning, and research experiences in Higher Education. Recent studies show that integrating these technologies in education can help to increase student engagement, facilitate deeper and conceptual understanding, offer opportunities for experiential learning, and bridge the gap between students and learning resources. Mixed reality is a blend of physical and digital worlds, unlocking natural and intuitive 3D human, computer, and environmental interactions. In MR experiences the user can interact with both digital and physical elements. MR differs from AR—where digital and physical elements don't interact— and VR—where the physical or real world is completely blocked out.

    • Enhanced Engagement: The hands-on and multisensory nature of these technologies helps to stimulate interest and motivation, leading to improved learning outcomes.
    • Experiential Learning: Students can actively explore and interact with virtual objects, places, and phenomena, facilitating a deeper understanding of concepts and promoting practical skill development.
    • Visualization of Abstract Concepts: Students can grasp difficult concepts more easily and develop a concrete understanding by transforming abstract ideas into interactive 3D representations.
    • Active Learning & Problem-Solving: It allows students to analyze, synthesize, and make decisions within virtual environments, promoting critical thinking, creativity, and analytical skills. This active engagement with content leads to higher levels of comprehension and application of knowledge.
    • Personalized and Adaptive Learning: AR and VR technologies can be tailored to meet the individual needs of learners. Adaptive learning platforms can leverage these technologies to provide personalized content, adaptive feedback, and adaptive assessments, allowing students to learn at their own pace and receive targeted support.
    • Safe and Controlled Environments: AR and VR offer a safe and controlled environment for students to practice skills and experiment without real-world consequences. This is particularly valuable in disciplines such as medicine, engineering, and hazardous industries, where students can learn and make mistakes without risk.
    • Access to Remote Learning Resources: Virtual field trips, museum visits, and cultural experiences can be made available to students regardless of their location, broadening their educational horizons and providing equal opportunities.
    • Real-World Applications and Career Readiness: AR and VR provide students with exposure to real-world applications and scenarios relevant to their fields of study. By incorporating these technologies, educational institutions can better prepare students for future careers by equipping them with practical skills and experiences highly valued by employers.
    • Multicultural and Inclusive Learning: They can expose students to diverse cultures, perspectives, and historical events, fostering empathy, cultural understanding, and global citizenship.
    • Data Collection and Analysis: AR and VR technologies offer the capability to collect data on student interactions, behaviors, and performance within virtual environments. This data can provide valuable insights for educators to assess student progress, identify learning gaps, and personalize instruction.
    • Soft Skills Development: AR and VR can be employed to develop soft skills such as public speaking, leadership, and teamwork. Simulated scenarios and virtual environments can provide students with opportunities to practice and refine these skills.
    • Language Learning and Cultural Immersion: AR and VR can facilitate language learning by creating immersive environments where students can practice conversations with virtual characters or experience cultural contexts. This enhances language acquisition and cultural understanding.

    AspectAugmented Reality (AR)Virtual Reality (VR)Mixed Reality (MR)
    EngagementIncreases student engagement through interactive digital overlaysImmersive environments captivate and hold student attentionHigh engagement through interaction with both real and virtual elements
    Conceptual UnderstandingHelps visualize abstract concepts by overlaying informationEnables exploration of complex systems in a controlled spaceFacilitates deep understanding by blending real and virtual elements
    Experiential LearningOffers real-world context with additional informationProvides hands-on experiences in a virtual settingCombines real-world practice with virtual simulations
    AccessibilityEasily accessible via smartphones and tabletsRequires specific equipment, limiting accessibilityRequires advanced and often expensive equipment
    CollaborationEnhances collaborative learning with shared AR experiencesVR can be isolating, but multi-user VR setups allow for interactionPromotes collaboration through shared MR environments
    CostGenerally low cost and easy to implementHigh initial cost for VR headsets and setupVery high cost for advanced MR technology and setup
    Learning ResourcesEnhances traditional resources with interactive overlaysProvides entirely new resources and environmentsIntegrates physical resources with digital enhancements
    Practical ApplicationsUseful for interactive textbooks, museum guides, and field tripsIdeal for simulations, virtual field trips, and immersive storytellingPerfect for mixed reality labs, collaborative projects, and interactive simulations
    Skill DevelopmentEnhances spatial awareness and critical thinkingDevelops problem-solving and technical skillsCombines physical skills with digital literacy
    Potential ChallengesRisk of distraction, limited immersionHigh cost, potential for motion sicknessComplex setup, high cost, and technology barriers

    XR content is mostly used as a supportive document to present content in a more engaging and interactive way. However, the advanced designs can allow students to practice real-life tasks. Regardless of the type of content, the instructor can design a learning activity or assessment with XR content. Additionally, it can also be used for collaborative learning or in synchronous meetings. Common applications of XR technologies include:

  • Extended Reality at William Paterson Univeristy

    If you are interested in implementing any immersive reality in your course, you check out the tools from IRT. These devices are only available to faculty members at William Paterson University. If you are new to this technology, the IRT staff is available to help you learn how to use the technology, the setup process, find applications for your curriculum, and any other questions you may have. Our immersive lab has a free subscription to VivePort, an online store for virtual reality content, that offers a variety of free and paid software you can explore on-site. The content is only available for use in the Vive headset.

    • Oculus Quest 2 (Stand Alone)
    • HTC XR Elite (Tethered)
    • Oculus Rift (Tethered)
    • HP G2 Omnicept (Tethered)

    • Immersive Lab: This lab is located in LI110.
      assessment title
    • Viewport Subscription: We have a free VR library subscription in our Immersive Lab.
    • Free and low-cost resource library (coming soon): This library will help you to try out VR content related to your field.
    • Instructional Designer support for planning: Our XR specialist will assist you with planning and executing the technology implementation.
    • Technical Assistance: You can contact us directly to get technical assistance.

  • Extended Reality Guidelines

    Implementing Extended Reality (XR) in education can enhance learning by providing immersive, interactive, and engaging experiences. Below are some guidelines for effectively incorporating XR into teaching:

    • Clearly outline the learning objectives that XR can help achieve. Determine how XR will enhance understanding and engagement.
    • Integrate XR into the curriculum where it adds value. Identify specific lessons or topics that will benefit from immersive experiences.
    • Ensure access to necessary XR equipment and software. Plan for budget, technical support, and maintenance.

    • Choose or develop high-quality XR content that aligns with your curriculum. Collaborate with developers or use educational platforms with pre-existing XR content.
    • Ensure the XR content is relevant to the subject matter and fits within the context of your teaching goals.
    • Customize XR experiences to meet specific learning outcomes. Modify or create content to better suit your educational needs.

    • Provide an orientation session for students to familiarize them with XR technology and its use in the course.
    • Ensure XR experiences are accessible to all students, including those with disabilities.
    • Follow accessibility guidelines and provide alternative learning options when necessary.
    • Design XR activities that encourage active participation and engagement, such as interactive simulations, virtual field trips, and hands-on practice in virtual environments.

    • Integrate XR as part of a blended learning approach, combining traditional teaching methods with XR to enhance learning experiences.
    • Use XR for experiential learning opportunities, allowing students to explore, experiment, and interact with content in a virtual setting.
    • Facilitate collaborative XR experiences where students can work together in virtual environments, fostering teamwork and communication skills.
    • Encourage students to provide feedback on their XR experiences. Incorporate reflection activities to help them process and apply what they have learned.

    • Use XR to conduct formative assessments, such as virtual quizzes, interactive tasks, and skill demonstrations, to gauge student understanding in real-time.
    • Design summative assessments that incorporate XR experiences, evaluating students' ability to apply knowledge and skills in immersive environments.
    • Establish clear performance metrics to assess the effectiveness of XR in achieving learning outcomes. Use analytics from XR platforms to monitor student progress and engagement.

    • Protect student data by ensuring compliance with privacy laws and institutional policies. Handle data collected through XR applications responsibly.
    • Address ethical considerations, such as the potential for distraction or misuse of XR technology. Establish guidelines for appropriate and respectful use.

  • Extended Reality Webinars and Workshops

    Extended Reality Training Opportunities

    CTT team can assist you on adopting these feature on your teaching area. Please use one of the followig options to get connected.

    Webinars Workshops Consultations Walk-in

  • Extended Reality Resources

    The Recordings of Webinars on Extended Reality

    Introduction to Virtual Reality Introduction to Agumented Reality
    Coming soon
    Introduction to Mixed Reality
    Coming soon

    Faculty members can schedule a session with the IRT team to try out our wireless Vive Pro device in the Design, Build & Learn Lab at LI110.

    The Virtual Reality platforms are online stores where you can download either free or paid apps to use with our headsets. Each platform offers different titles and differing headset compatibility. The IRT has a subscription to VivePort and currently developing a large app library. Faculty members can request apps to be downloaded to test out and use for classes.

    • VivePort: Offers a variety of free and paid for software but is only available for use in the Vive headset.
    • Steam: Applications on Steam are created by both independent and established developers, so the headset compatibility varies depending on the application.
    • Oculus Store: Offers a variety of free and paid for software but is only available for use with Meta VR hardware. Apps on the Oculus store are available for standalone or tethered use.

    Coming soon.

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Step 1: Attend the XR webinars and workshops or watch the recordings.
    Step 2: Meet with Immersive Lab Staff to experiment with VR and get familiar with the virtual environment.
    Step 3: Consider the technology and content you need based on your learning outcomes.
    Step 4: Plan the budget if needed.
    Step 5: Meet with the Instructional Designer for consultation if needed.

    Faculty can borrow a stand-alone VR device from the IRT department. Please contact Chris Weber (weberc@wpunj.edu) for more information.

    Educational VR content is a growing field that offers immersive learning experiences across various subjects and disciplines. CTT is working on a free or low-cost content library which will be posted on its website.
    Below, are some paid platforms, applications, and resources for VR content.

    Company Features
    • Specializes in educational VR and AR content.
    • Offers comprehensive virtual learning environments and curriculum content for subjects such as biology, history, and chemistry.
    • Provides options for virtual dissections, historical site tours, and more.
    • Offers virtual lab simulations for science education, including biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering.
    • Provides detailed and interactive virtual experiments and lab scenarios.
    • Provides educational VR experiences in a variety of subjects including history, science, and anatomy.
    • Offers applications such as "Titanic VR" and "Human Anatomy VR."
    • A virtual reality education and training platform that supports virtual classrooms, training sessions, and meetings.
    • Used by universities for interactive lessons and collaborative learning.

    You can create XR (Extended Reality) content, which encompasses Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR), by using various tools and platforms. Please note that some of the tools will require coding skills. The choice of tool often depends on the specific requirements of your project, such as the target platform, the desired level of interactivity, and the creator's technical proficiency.

    Category Tool Features
    VR Content Creation Unity
    • A versatile game engine widely used for developing VR experiences.
    • Supports a variety of VR platforms such as Oculus, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR.
    • Extensive asset store and community support.
    • A free and open-source 3D creation suite.
    • Great for creating 3D models and animations for VR environments.
    • Integrates well with Unity.
    • A platform for publishing, sharing, and discovering 3D, VR, and AR content.
    • Supports a wide range of 3D file formats.
    • Can be used to embed interactive 3D models on websites.
    AR Content Creation Adobe Aero
    • Intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes it accessible for both designers and developers.
    • No coding required, allowing for rapid prototyping and content creation.
    • Create AR experiences that can be viewed on iOS and Android devices.
    • Supports both mobile and tablet platforms, increasing accessibility.
    • Build complex scenes with multiple assets and interactions.
    Reality Composer
    • An AR authoring tool by Apple.
    • Allows users to create interactive AR experiences without extensive coding.
    • Integrated with Xcode for iOS development.
    MR Content Creation Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK)
    • An open-source toolkit for developing MR applications.
    • Supports HoloLens and Windows Mixed Reality headsets.
    • Works with Unity.